Credit Card


At the Payment Information step in our secure checkout process, you will be given the option to pay using Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay or Google Pay.


Once you select Windcave as your payment option, you will be given the chance to review your order before being redirected to the secure Windcave site where credit card details can be entered and payment made either with your Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay or Google Pay.


Credit Card Security


Credit card security is taken very seriously and we use Windcave so that you will always have peace of mind that card holder data is never breached.

 We do not hold any credit card details on our system so we will require these details at each transaction. For more information about Windcave, please refer to their privacy policy at:


POLi Payment


If you select this option in the secure payment process you will be redirected to the official POLi Payment Gateway enabling you to pay directly from your own bank account.


Bank Transfer


A bank transfer payment option (internet banking) is also available . Once you select this option you will be given the details below to proceed with payment.

Bank: BNZ
Account Name: Kaboodle Bags
Account Number: 02 0820 
Reference: Order number 

Your order will be dispatched promptly once payment is received.



Google Pay:

Our site is configured for Google Pay, so through your Google account you can easily access saved credit card details to make payments fast and secure